SSO Architecture using OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol with Liferay DXP
SSO Architecture using OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol with Liferay DXP Read More »
To better understand SSO we first understand the evolution of authentication .
Now since we have understood the basic SSO mechanism , now is the time to get an understanding of the underlying authentication protocols used .
whenever we talk SSO we quite often hear about SAML , Open ID Connect , OAuth2 , OIDC etc.
Lets try to understand these
So I hope you got the gist now i.e. SAML and OIDC can be used for identity authentication. These 2 protocols hence are also used for SSO implementations .
Understanding SSO – Part 1 Read More »
Checkout the flow diagram here
GraphQL is basically a query language to read or mutate data in API . In simple words its a way to call API for read and write purpose using query like syntax . Using GraphQL feels like you are querying an API service instead of a database . This was developed by Facebook .
REST API calls has lot of advantages which is well known to developers but at the same time there are few drawbacks which REST API calls doesn’t address . Lets talk about few of them
Over fetching: This is when the API endpoint provides way more information than required by the client.
Under fetching: This is when the API endpoint doesn’t provide all of the required information. So, the client has to make multiple requests (API Calls) to get everything the application needs.
Liferay by default comes with Out of the box List of APIs which you can access
For example, if you’re running Liferay DXP locally on port 8080, the URL for discovering the GraphQL API is
3) Once you are on this page you can click GraphQL link on the top Right of the page
Here are steps to read all the blog content through GraphQL API
Get the siteKey from Site configuration page of the site as shown in the Image 3 and replace in your query. If you have any blogs in that site then the query will give back some results else you can do the next step (To enter a blog entry via API) First and then retry this query again to get back some results . In my case since I had an entry you can see the API output on the Right hand side in the screenshot .
Image 1
Image 2
Here are steps to read all the blog content through GraphQL API
mutation CreateBlog($blog: InputBlogPosting)
createSiteBlogPosting(blogPosting: $blog, siteKey: “47311” )
In the Query Variables you can enter the entry like following
“articleBody”: “Contact us for EU based Liferay Consultants at !”,
“headline”: “”
now run the query and the API call to write or mutate is done . You can now rerun the read query to find your entry appearing there .
GraphQL in Liferay DXP Read More »
1) How moduler approach in Liferay helps creating customized solutions.
2) Liferay can be better explained as set of cubes where each cube is a different feature .
3) Customizing the vanilla (Default) Liferay Bundle by simply ADDING or REMOVING these cubes (Features).
4) Enabling/ disabling Multiple (OOB) security features as per customers need .( Example – Enabling SSO with NTLM, CAS, SiteMinder, OpenSSO, OpenID, Facebook)
5) Scaling the solution as per expected number of enduser (can be achieved using features like autoscaling in LIferay DXP Cloud ).
Link –
#architect #security #cloud #Liferay #liferaydxp
#digital #experience #liferayExperienceCloud #architecture #design
Moduler Approach in Liferay DXP Read More »
Let’s compare Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, and Liferay, which are popular content management systems (CMS) and portal platforms:
Choosing the most suitable platform depends on your specific requirements, technical expertise, scalability needs, and the type of website or portal you intend to build. Consider factors such as ease of use, community support, available extensions, customization capabilities, security, and long-term scalability when making a decision.
Comparing Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, and Liferay Read More »
Liferay and AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) are both popular content management systems (CMS) used for building and managing websites and digital experiences. While they serve similar purposes, there are differences between the two platforms. Let’s compare Liferay and AEM in various aspects:
Ultimately, the choice between Liferay and AEM depends on specific requirements, budget, and preferences. Liferay may be a better fit for organizations seeking flexibility, customization, and an open-source solution, while AEM might be preferable for those who prioritize advanced marketing capabilities and a seamless Adobe ecosystem integration. It’s advisable to use Liferay if your requirement is more than Just CMS and you need flexible approach for future .
Connect with YoungIT if you need help in deciding your next platform .
Liferay or AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) : Which is better choice for us ? Read More »
This Flow diagram illustrate SSO Flow using OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol with Liferay DXP Portal.
Following are the steps .
Step 1) User request SignIn page using browser , SignIn Page Open up , User clicks on the SignIn Link.
Step 2) Liferay redirects to the SignIn page (called Authorization Endpoint)of the OIDC Provider screen (Provider could be Microsoft azure ,google or any other provider).
Step 3) User enters the credentials.
Step 4) OIDC Provider process the request and generate a Token and sends back to the user browser.
Step 5) Browser redirect the request to Liferay Redirect URI along with the Token.
Step 6) Liferay Validates the token using Providers JWKS URI which contains the public keys that can verify the token. Once token Validation is successful Liferay adds a session cookie on to the browser which to keeps the session with the browser alive .
#datasecurity #singlesignon #liferay #liferaydxp #liferayExperienceCloud #architecture #SSO #saml #openid #saml #oidc #design