How did I achieve my ‘Liferay DXP 7.4 Frontend Developer Certification’ ?
Few weeks back I worked on My ‘Liferay DXP 7.4 Backend Certification’ and successfully completed the same . Continuing the Learning process I took the other available certification with Li
What Customers wants the most in their B2B Portals ?
In a B2B portal, customers typically have specific expectations and requirements that revolve around improving their business processes, enhancing efficiency, and delivering a seamless experience. Whi
Best Practices : When using React with Liferay DXP
React has been a popular platform which has been in demand now a days . React is popular for several reasons, which have contributed to its widespread adoption among developers: Efficiency and Perform
SSO Architecture using OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol with Liferay DXP
In continuation with my last article on SSO i.e. ( , I created a 40 sec flow diagram video . This Flow diagram illustrate SSO Flow using OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol with Li
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