Few weeks back I worked on My ‘Liferay DXP 7.4 Backend Certification’ and successfully completed the same . Continuing the Learning process I took the other available certification with Liferay this week i.e. ‘Liferay DXP 7.4 Frontend Developer Certification’ and got through it with flying colours .
Why is Liferay Certification Important ? – There are a number of reasons why I feel certification is important for a Liferay Professional . Certification demonstrates your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. These merits can help boost your professional credibility and prestige within your own network, organisation , customers , and when pursuing new business opportunities or bidding on projects . Not only this but it also helps us fill some gaps , It helps us understand what topics Liferay as an organisation feels are important or essential for a Liferay professional to learn . Often it happens that we may be having good knowledge on a few topics and other topics are completely ignored , this is very normal to any professional so a certification exam gives us a better idea on what all topics we should essentially touch base upon .
Certifications as per your expertise / interests – Liferay offers separate certifications in Backend development and Frontend development . You can always choose a certification where you want to demonstrate your capability . For a Full-Stack Liferay Developer I recommend taking both . Although I feel that there should also be another certification for Architects, but as of now Liferay doesn’t offer that option .
Topics-mappings for backend certification – I have tried to organise the Snapshots of important pages in a learnings Folder structure . ( You can find them in the attached shared link )
Shared Link : https://1drv.ms/f/s!Am4b46XblPE4h7kVo5MLibTSUswpqQ?e=6wbzxu
Set a Target Date, it helps !! – I feel that learning about any platform is something continuous and incremental in nature . It’s always better to give a logical milestone to the learning process and what better then getting certified in Liferay DXP , hence I decided to set a target a date and book my exam at https://www.webassessor.com/ . This helped me in terms of setting the goal and making the plan accordingly .